Photoscape adalah software yang menyenangkan dan mudah digunakan untuk mengedit foto yang memungkinkan Anda untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kualitas foto anda
.Key Features
- Viewer: Lihat foto dalam folder, membuat slideshow
- Editor: mengubah ukuran, kecerahan dan penyesuaian warna, pengaturan cahaya, koreksi latar, frame, balon, modus mosaik, teks menambahkan, menggambar gambar, cropping, filter, penghapusan red eye, blooming, clone stamp
- Batch editor: Batch edit multiple photos
- Page: Merge multiple photos on the page frame to create one final photo
- Combine: Attach multiple photos vertically or horizontally to create one final photo
- Animated GIF: Use multiple photos to create a final animated photo
- Print: Print portrait shots, carte de visites(CDV), passport photos
- Splitter: Slice a photo into several pieces
- Screen Capture: Capture your screenshot and save it
- Color Picker: Zoom in on images, search and pick a color
- Rename: Change photo file names in batch mode
- Raw Converter: Convert RAW to JPG
- Paper Print: Print lined, graph, music and calendar paper
- Face Search: Find similar faces on the Internet